A Benefit Company

Whiteready srl is a Benefit Company.

As a benefit company, our primary goal is to create a positive impact on society and the environment.
We aim to balance purpose and profit by considering the interests of various stakeholders, including our employees, customers, communities, and the planet. Our business practices prioritize social and environmental responsibility, and we are committed to making a difference through our products, services, and actions.

Committed to Environment


Whiteready is committed to sustainability and the protection of bees. They have implemented various initiatives throughout Italy, from the north to the south, to support the well-being of bees and their habitats.
By taking proactive steps to preserve the environment and promote biodiversity, Whiteready demonstrates its dedication to creating a sustainable future for all.




Whiteready is truly committed to reducing its carbon footprint and supporting the planet.
With their Climate Action Workforce subscription, they have a dedicated team working on various global projects. These projects include conserving the Amazon in Brazil, planting forests in Uganda, engaging in reforestation efforts, restoring wildflowers, and generating wind and solar power. By actively participating in such initiatives, Whiteready is making a significant impact in the fight against climate change and contributing to a more sustainable future for all.



ClubOcean supports the Globice association on Reunion Island in its efforts to research and protect cetaceans in the island's waters.

Globice is an organization dedicated to the study and conservation of cetaceans on La Réunion, a French island in the Indian Ocean. The island is surrounded by rich marine waters that are home to a wide variety of cetaceans, including dolphins, whales and sperm whales.

The Globice team conducts in-depth research on these majestic creatures to better understand their behavior, ecology and health. They use this data to promote cetacean conservation and raise local awareness of their importance in the marine ecosystem.

In addition to their research activities, Globice plays an essential role in the protection of cetaceans. They monitor human interactions with these animals, particularly shipping activities, to minimize disturbance. The association also works to raise public awareness by organizing educational outings and community events.

Whiteready srl Benefit Company considers a range of stakeholders in its decision-making processes.

1. Employees
We value the well-being and development of our employees. We strive to create a positive work environment, provide fair compensation, and offer opportunities for growth and advancement.

2. Customers
We prioritize meeting the needs and expectations of our customers. We aim to provide high-quality products or services that offer value and satisfaction. Customer feedback and preferences are important considerations in our decision-making.

3. Communities
We recognize the impact our operations can have on local communities. We strive to contribute positively to the communities in which we operate by supporting local initiatives, promoting diversity and inclusion, and respecting local customs and cultures.

4. Environment
We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint and promoting sustainable practices. We consider the impact of our operations on the environment and work towards reducing waste, conserving resources, and adopting eco-friendly alternatives.

5. Shareholders and Investors
We maintain transparency and accountability to our shareholders and investors. We aim to generate long-term value and sustainable growth while considering their interests and expectations.

6. Suppliers and Business Partners
We value our relationships with suppliers and business partners. We seek to establish fair and mutually beneficial collaborations, ensuring ethical sourcing practices and promoting responsible business conduct throughout our supply chain.
By considering the interests and perspectives of these stakeholders, we strive to make informed decisions that align with our purpose and create positive impacts.